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In 2017, Ethos launched an index for Swiss equities: the Ethos Swiss Corporate Governance Index (ESCGI). This index focuses on the best governance within companies included in the Swiss Performance Index (SPI) and combines Ethos' expertise in analyzing best practices in governance and environmental and social responsibility with SIX Group's expertise in index construction and calculation.

Key information

Date 21.10.2024

Value 182.54

Performance summary as 30.09.2024

1 month -1.16%

YTD +11.84%

1 year +14.40%

3 years +9.68%


Historical performance is not a guarantee of future performance.

The index objectives are to:

  • Reduce governance risks by underweighting or excluding companies with poor governance practices;
  • Underweight companies with severe controversies and avoid overweighting companies with serious controversies;
  • Reduce carbon footprint by underweighting companies with very high carbon emissions;
  • Avoid overweighting companies with a weighting of over 10% in the SPI index;
  • Overweight all other companies.